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Task running in Preview, but failing running as a service

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 2:06 pm
by denovo
This task was running before without any complain. It is in charge of copy MSSQL backups to a NAS, while a linked task is triggered once the backup is copied to the NAS for sending it to Amazon S3.

The original backup folder for Microsoft SQL Server (Backup) was local to the server, making it difficult to backup our server without the data (which was already copied to several other places).

So, we created a VHD (virtual hard drive) in a NAS which was then attached to the server in the same location (the Backup directory inside MSSQL). Microsoft SQL Server continues working as expected, but BestSync, which was working OK at the beginning, is now reporting [b]Drive is not ready[/b] almost all the time.

When requesting a preview of the task, everything works as expected...

It looks like the service is caching some old status for the hard drive or mapped location which is not refreshed later....


Re: Task running in Preview, but failing running as a servic

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:24 am
by RiseFly
If the task need to access the NAS folder in the service, you need to setup a login account for the task as the following Q&A page:

Re: Task running in Preview, but failing running as a servic

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:16 pm
by denovo
The issue was related to your answer, but slightly different.
This same task was running before as a service, but during some modifications, the user account for connecting to the source location was modified and it was different to the account used for connecting to the NAS. After changing back to the same account, everything started working again...
