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Task Wizard: Miscellaneous

Threshold (Protect your data from Ransomware)

Do not start synchronization if the ratio of number of changed files is (>=, <) [XX]percent (%).

 This option supplies a threshold to stop the synchronization when the percentage of changed files does not over the threshold.

 If the task is started, but the threshold is not over, the task is stopped with error "Threshold setting stopped task". In this case, if you still want to synchronize the folders, you can start the preview of the task, then press the "Start" button in the preview window.

 If the task is stopped by this threshold, and you really want to synchronize the folder, you can just start the preview of the task, then click the start button in the preview.

 This option is provided for protecting your data from Ransomware. Ransomware is a type of malicious software that carries out the cryptoviral extortion attack from cryptovirology that blocks access to data until a ransom is paid and displays a message requesting payment to unlock it. Ransomware may encrypts the victim's files, making them inaccessible, and demands a ransom payment to decrypt them. Because Ransomware encrypts all the files under a folder or drive, if your set a threshold here such as 95%, BestSync can stop the synchronization, thus protect the files under the backup folder from being harmed.


For reducing the scanning time, create "_BestSync_Meta.dat_" file if necessary.

 When the task synchronizes with network storage, such as FTP, WebDAV, or cloud storage, the network media may not support copying the last-modified timestamp to the uploaded file. This cause the timestamp of uploaded file is newer than the local file. BestSync can handle this case by recording the timestamp of the local file and the last uploaded time in the local database, and calculating the real last-modified time of the file on the network storage. But it may still cause performance problem when multiple BestSyncs synchronize with the same network folder. By create "_BestSync_Meta.dat_" file, Bestsync can record the real last-modified time on the server's folder, thus BestSync can correct the last-modified time of the files on the server quickly, and multiple BestSyncs can synchronize the same server folder in high performance.

Though it is not necessary to create "_BestSync_Meta.data_" file, but creating this file on the network storage can boost the calculating speed, thus reduce the scanning time for getting the changed files.

Real-time Synchronization:

Do full synchronization at the beginning of the task.

This is the recommended option.

Do full synchronization for the following period.

 When the task does real-time synchronization, if the files are changed too quickly, and the buffer of OS's change notification may overflow, thus changes may lost. Select this option, BestSync will do full-scan in this specified period to synchronize the lost changes.

 The minimum value is  60 seconds, and the maximum value is 30days.

This is the recommended option. The default is 30 minutes.

Do full synchronization if no change notification for the following period:

This is not a necessary option.

The minimum value is 1 minute, the maximum value is 24 hours.

Ignore the modifications of sub-folders for improving performance.

If this option is checked, BestSync ignores the update modifications of sub-folders, but deleting and renaming changes of sub-folders will still be processed.
This option may improve a little performance. Check this option can help synchronize files if their change notifications are lost in case the notification system is too busy.

Record detailed real-time log to "<SysDrive>:\ProgramData\RiseFly\BestSync 2024\service.syncXX.txt"

If this option is checked, BestSync records all the changed notifications, filtered actions, and synchronization results of the real-time synchronization for debug.
<SysDrive> is the hard disk drive that Windows OS is installed. XX is the task ID of the real-time task.

You can also monitor the change notification by click the "View real-time sync status" context menu of the real-time sync task.

Period for sending email or exporting log file

 Usually, the email is sent and log file is export after the task finishes the synchronization. But a real-time task never finishes.

 BestSync uses this period to send the email report and export the log file.

 The minimum value is  600 seconds, and the maximum value is 86400(24 hours).

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