Bug Report when using Reparse Point

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Bug Report when using Reparse Point

Post by alan9876 »

I am using BestSync 2012 (Portable) English Version to compare C:\ (on the left) with P:\ (on the right)

P:\ is a 25 GB partition created by restoring to an HDD a Macrium Reflect Partition Image of a 55 GB System C:\ from an SSD

By default the Option Box "Exclude the reparse point file/folder" (via "Modify the selection synchronisation task") is unticked.
This gives horrendous errors and makes BestSync useless for my purpose.
BestSync works perfectly if I take the NON-default action of ticking the Option Box "Exclude the reparse point file/folder"

BestSync "Preview Window" shows :- Total Num 7572 ; Total Size 2.84 GB ; Filtered Num: 100991


When I untick and remove the results from all folders excepting the "?:\Users" folder :-
Total Num: 4160 ; Total Size: 791.43 MB

When I untick and remove the results from all excepting the "?:\Users\Alan\AppData\Local\Moonchild Productions\" folder :-
Total Num: 1996 ; Total Size: 308.59 MB

The above folder holds a JUNCTION named "Pale Moon" which links to my Browser profile which is held in partition D:\

P:\Users\Alan\AppData\Local\Moonchild Productions\Pale Moon\ is used perfectly by BestSync
C:\Users\Alan\AppData\Local\Moonchild Productions\Pale Moon\ is misunderstood by BestSync
BestSync observes the same 154.29 MB in 998 files via both the junctions held in C:\ and P:\

BestSync WRONGLY decides that those in C:\ do not match those in P:\, even though in each case they exist in D:\
hence it declares 1996 files and 308.59 MB of errors

BestSync WRONGLY refrains from showing the DateStamps and Sizes of those files/folders that are accessed via C:\

sshot-70.gif shows my evidence for the above
sshot-71.gif shows what I can see with Windows Explorer and a CMD.EXE "DOS Window"

The sshot-70.gif details were all frozen in time when BestSync scanned the profiles to produce the PreView.
The sshot-71.gif details show slightly larger values because the browser profile was active and growing.
Hence adding the C: and P:\ results give 2126 files and 312 MB.


When I untick and remove the results from all excepting the "ProgramData" folder :-
Total Num: 676 ; Total Size: 96.82 MB

Removing all results excepting "ProgramData\ZentimoService" and "ProgramData\Application Data" folders :-
Total Num: 429 ; Total Size: 57.02 MB

Removing all results excepting "ProgramData\ZentimoService" and "ProgramData\Application Data\Microsoft" folders :-
Total Num: 373 ; Total Size: 54.62 MB

Everything is wrong about the results from "ProgramData\Application Data\Microsoft"
For a compact display, after Unchecking many items under "ProgramData\Application Data\Microsoft" :-
Total Num 301 ; Total Size 52.77 MB
sshot-67.gif Shows the special link "\Application Data\" has responsibility for 28.12 MB ; BUT
sshot-68.gif Shows the Totals reduced to Num=1 and Size below 1 MB after unchecking "\Application Data\"

sshot-69.gif Shows :-
Ctrl+Shift+1 is greyed out
At the bottom you can see
"C:\ProgramData\Application Data\Microsoft\ZentimoService\" can NOT be explored by BestSync
"P:\ProgramData\Application Data\Microsoft\ZentimoService\" CAN be explored by BestSync
I was however able to launch a second instance of the latter and change the P:\ to a C:\
Working up from the bottom you can see ZentimoService.lof.txt datestamps :-
06/11/2012 in "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\ZentimoService\"
10/10/2012 in "P:\ProgramData\Microsoft\ZentimoService\"
06/11/2012 in "P:\ProgramData\Application Data\Microsoft\ZentimoService\" ERROR - WRONG DATE
06/11/2012 in "C:\ProgramData\Application Data\Microsoft\ZentimoService\"
That shows the exact copy from C:\ to P:\ of the special link "C:\ProgramData\Application Data\" points back to partition C:\
BestSync follows that special link on P:\ perfectly - whether this is always beneficial I do not know.
Unfortunately although BestSync also follows the special link C:\ when detecting the files and adds their sizes to Total Size:
they are NOT displayed in the details which should show individual sizes and datestamps.

I am using Windows Ultimate SP1 (64 bit), with UAC totally disabled to minimize aggravation.

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sshot-69.gif (81.06 KiB) Viewed 5803 times
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Re: Bug Report when using Reparse Point

Post by RiseFly »

Thank for reporting this problem.
Because the current version of Bestsync does not follow the JUNCTIONs, and caused problem.
It may task long time to resolve this problem.
Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:40 am

Re: Bug Report when using Reparse Point

Post by alan9876 »


I am quite happy to check the option to exclude the Reparse Point.

I thought it worth reporting for the benefit of others who might need to use the Reparse Point capability of BestSync.

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