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The File tmpmdmt.htm Syncs from FTP Folder 2 to Local Folder

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:54 pm
by mcjathan
It is my understanding that the file tmpmdmt.htm is a temporary file created by BestSync in the FTP folder. However, occasionally I am seeing that this file is not deleted in the FTP folder and then syncs like a regular file to my local folder. Should this be happening?

I believe I am seeing this happen when I have a BestSync task configured to Real-time sync and then I stop the task (so that I can modify it).

If this file tmpmdmt.htm is syncing back and forth like a normal file does this foul up the operation of BestSync?

Should BestSync be trapping this problem and automatically deleting the file tmpmdmt.htm?

Re: The File tmpmdmt.htm Syncs from FTP Folder 2 to Local Fo

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:49 pm
by RiseFly

BestSync should delete tmpmdmt.htm temporary file automatically.
But if there are multiple task synchronizing with the same FTP folder, the file may be remained, but Bestsync should delete it at the next synchronization. We'll investigate into this issue and try to fix it later.

Best Regards