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Real-time sync donot copy files immediately?

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:39 pm
by i-Ask
I am testing your product and had a question about realtime sync.
1. Does realtime sync need to be run as a separate job from the initial sync process?
2. When I run real time it scanned all the files and then nothing appears to be happening when new files are added to a folder.

Re: Real-time sync donot copy files immediately?

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:45 pm
by RiseFly
The real-time sync task can be ran both in BestSync Application and Service.
Because the change notification is only supported by the local folder and Windows Shared folder, if the file system is not local folder or Windows shared folder, even you add file to the system, no change notification is sent from the system, BestSync will just synchronize the folder in about 15 minutes.
For example, two-way sync task:
Local Folder <===> FTP Folder
The chnages in Local Folder will be reflected immediately.
But the changes in the FTP folder will be reflected in about 15 minutes.
In this case, you can specify a short minute schedule to sync the task if you need faster response.