FTP Error:Send data size mismatch

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jw stephenson
Posts: 21
Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:58 pm

FTP Error:Send data size mismatch

Post by jw stephenson »

I am getting this error more and more frequently (876 times for my last sync of 2969 files). Any idea what the cause is and/or how I might avoid it? Not sure if the retry fixes the error but I don't think so as the log file still shows this error.


Jeff Stephenson
jw stephenson
Posts: 21
Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:58 pm

Re: FTP Error:Send data size mismatch

Post by jw stephenson »

I deleted all *.BS_ files on the server and tried again - same issue for around all 1000 files that need synced.

I tried unchecking "Resume failed file from the last breakpoint" under copy options - same issue for around all 1000 files that need synced.

I unchecked "Use intermediate file during copy"under copy options and now around 1/3 are syncing while around 2/3rds are failing (it is still running so I don't know what the final ratio will be.

Are there temporary files on the SOURCE that I can delete to make the sync a clean start for these files?

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Re: FTP Error:Send data size mismatch

Post by RiseFly »

Delete the intermediate files will not help resolving this problem.
The cause of this problem is that sent data lenght does equal the data length that BestSync want to send. May be the sending command times out before all the data is sent.
Please try to set a longer timeout time in the "General" setting of the task.
jw stephenson
Posts: 21
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Re: FTP Error:Send data size mismatch

Post by jw stephenson »

From the preview window I can see the errors scrolling by, each taking only a millisecond or so to list the result to I doubt setting the timeout parameter to something greater than the existing 45 seconds will have an effect. I will try setting it to 180 seconds nevertheless and report back. I also see a fair amount of FTP Error: 553s but not as many as the size mismatch.

jw stephenson
Posts: 21
Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:58 pm

Re: FTP Error:Send data size mismatch

Post by jw stephenson »

Increased timeout to 180 and started the job again. Still over 2/3rds have this or the 553 error. Thoughts ...?

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Re: FTP Error:Send data size mismatch

Post by RiseFly »

Please strat the preview of the task, to see if there is any other error berfore "FTP Error:Send data size mismatch".
jw stephenson
Posts: 21
Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:58 pm

Re: FTP Error:Send data size mismatch

Post by jw stephenson »

Reviewing the entire section after preview started but before starting the sync, I find the following errors (both of which were there prior to this recent issue):

SSL:ClientVerifyCertificate::CertVerifyTimeValidity.(0x80090328):The received certificate has expired.
Receive::Disconnected by server.
winsock:Receive::Error.:error:(0x00002746):An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.

But this is the error (in blue color) that seems to occur for each file attempted that fails:

winsock:Send:error:(0x00002746):An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.

and a few of:
<[3]226-Error during write to file
<[3]226-Transfer aborted

Still stumped as to why this is just now showing up. Jeff
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Re: FTP Error:Send data size mismatch

Post by RiseFly »

It seems that the SSL certificate has something wrong.
Please try to import the attached registry to force BestSync to accept the certificate to see if the problem can be avoided.
Force Validate SSL Certificate
(350 Bytes) Downloaded 567 times
jw stephenson
Posts: 21
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Re: FTP Error:Send data size mismatch

Post by jw stephenson »

Although there is clearly something wrong with the SSL, it seems to be ignoring it anyway. I imported the keys you sent over to the registry and rebooted, exactly the same problem.

Other things I have tried:

1. I deleted the files from the ftp server to eliminate any need to compare source to target. Same FTP Error: Send data size mismatch.

2. I deleted the files from the source (which was already a backup from a raid drive), then resynched the raid drive back to the source drive, then ran the preview and sync again. Same FTP Error: send data size mismatch.

Is is possible to uninstall this version (64 bit) and re-install version, which I have, without losing the tasklist.fsf file so see if that version has the same problem?

jw stephenson
Posts: 21
Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:58 pm

Re: FTP Error:Send data size mismatch

Post by jw stephenson »

I just installed with no better results. Installing an older version give me an error when trying to open an older version of the tasklist.fsf file.

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