Tasks run outside their schedule or do not run at all

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Tasks run outside their schedule or do not run at all

Post by saelwell »

I have a task set to run once a month but it seems to run every day. Settings in the Schedule page are to 'run as a Windows service' and 'start task when this application starts'. The difficulty is that this task takes several hours to run and I cannot use the application while it is doing so, or at least I don't want to be changing files while they are being backed up.

If I uncheck the 'Start task when this application starts', the task never seems to run and this seems to apply to other tasks as well. In other words, the tasks only seem to run if I check the box.

I don't understand what the function of the 'Start task when this application starts' setting is? Some (not all) of my tasks had failed to run for several months as I had this box unticked, and only started running when I ticked it.

How do I schedule a task correctly so that it runs automatically only on the days I specify? (I am running an Ultimate licence)
Does the 'Start task when this application starts' box need to be ticked for the task to run automatically or does this mean the task will run every time I start BestSync regardless of any schedule settings?

I'd appreciate any help in clearing up my confusion!

Thanks, Stephen
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Re: Tasks run outside their schedule or do not run at all

Post by RiseFly »

If you set "start task when this application starts", the task will be started every time BestSync is started or the PC is rebooted.
When you set the task run "Monthly" "Date 1st", the task will be ran at "1st/monthly" during the specified "Time-Range for starting task". if the PC is started not in the time-range and the date passed "1st of the month", the task will not be ran and the schedule is reinitialized. It will be ran at 1st of the next month.
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Re: Tasks run outside their schedule or do not run at all

Post by saelwell »

If I understand you correctly, you are saying that if I set ‘start task when this application starts’ the task RUNs when BestSync starts and IGNORES any schedule. I want to clear up any confusion between ‘starting’, which I could take to mean checking whether the task is scheduled to run (but not necessarily running it) and ‘running’, which I would take to mean performing the task.

If this is so, why did some of my tasks fail to run for months according to their schedule until I changed this setting? Is there another possible cause?

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Re: Tasks run outside their schedule or do not run at all

Post by RiseFly »

If the task is BEING ran by ""start task when this application starts"", when the schedule (1st/monthly) comes, the scheduled timing is just ignored.
If the task ends behind the "Time-Range for starting task", the schedule is reinitialized to the next schedule timing. So the task may not be ran by the schedule.
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