How to reboot the remote server after WebDAV synchronization?

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How to reboot the remote server after WebDAV synchronization?

Post by RiseFly »

I try to sync from Windows to WebDAV folder on Androids. Everything works as expected. However, After sync finish I want to reboot the remote android device. Can you share step by step how to use this feature; apps need to be install on the android devices and .bat
file. I only need to reboot the device after sync complete.
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Re: How to reboot the remote server after WebDAV synchronization?

Post by RiseFly »

For rebooting the remote device after the WebDAV synchronization.
You need to do the following:
1. Implement a HTTP command in the remote device, like:
2. In the Task setting of BestSync, Specify the above URL in “Application”/ ” Application or Sync Task to run after synchronization”, like the following screen:
user:password is the user account of the WebDAV server(if necessary). You can skip the account, BestSync will use the account of the WebDAV server.
RebootDAV.png (16.28 KiB) Viewed 6000 times
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