Spaces encoded incorrectly?

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Spaces encoded incorrectly?

Post by ms5joseph »

I have been using Besysync for over a year to sync with ShareFile for backup purposes using webdav. Citrix just sent me this message today. Any ideas? Using version 64bit:

We noticed that a third party program that your account is utilizing with Webdav to transfer files from ShareFile recently began showing an abnormal level of activity which has been generating over 300,000 requests per hour to our webdav servers.

Based on the IIS logs, the "BestSync" software is encoding spaces incorrectly (using + instead of %20), which is causing none of the items to be found and returning 404 errors:

PROPFIND /Shared+Folders/Acctg+Ops/Atlanta/Atl+-+Financial+Stmts/NAP+Atlanta,+Ltd/2015/Journal+Entry/9.15/197861+-+11.5.15+-+RC+double+pymt+on+PP17+city+of+refugee.pdf - 80 90eb1924-e4ab-452b-a123-69e68eb50d8a HTTP/1.1 BestSync+2016 ASP.NET_SessionId=2jnbhqs1pdfkncc5dot44xf3 - 404 0 0 2042 843 439
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Re: Spaces encoded incorrectly?

Post by RiseFly »

BestSync encodes space to %20 correctly, you can start the preview of the task to confirm it.
test.png (31.44 KiB) Viewed 5496 times
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