How do I write the logodata CVS to the ftp root

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How do I write the logodata CVS to the ftp root

Post by noontz »

[attachment=0]2016-09-02 14_07_31-Information.png[/attachment]

Please see screenshot..

What is the variable literal for the ftp rootfolder so I can save the log#####.csv to the ftp root folder, or how to achieve this?

Something like : %ROOT%\log%20160902-134415%.CSV

Thank you!
2016-09-02 14_07_31-Information.png
2016-09-02 14_07_31-Information.png (30.35 KiB) Viewed 8055 times
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Re: How do I write the logodata CVS to the ftp root

Post by RiseFly »

BestSync has not this kind of option.
But you can archive this by the following steps:
1. Create a sub-folder (for example \log) under the local folder.
2. Set the log file path to the sub-folder.
This way, Bestsync will upload the new log file to FTP server at the next synchronization.
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Re: How do I write the logodata CVS to the ftp root

Post by noontz »

This was our first approach, but due to accessright restrictions in the FileZilla ftp server, it was not possible without changing policy for all ftp sites. ... php?t=9200
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Re: How do I write the logodata CVS to the ftp root

Post by RiseFly »

To write files to FTP, you must have the write-right to the folder.
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