_BS8_ and missing files!

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_BS8_ and missing files!

Post by nicholasg86 »

Hello - We currently have 2 servers with BestSync sending files to 1 FTP server/account.
Both BestSyncs are scheduled to send every 2 minutes and back the files up locally.
Whenever the schedules clash (i.e. both BestSyncs try to send data at the same time) one of the BestSyncs records a _BS8_ file as "successfully sent" and the other BestSync records a normal file as sending (when it didn't actually arrive).

I've attached screenshots below to show you what I mean.

Note - One BestSync is 2016 and the other is BestSync 2017.

Any help would be much appreciated!

BestSync1.png (50.03 KiB) Viewed 6307 times
BestSync2.png (30.3 KiB) Viewed 6307 times
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Re: _BS8_ and missing files!

Post by RiseFly »

If you try to upload the same file from two clients (BestSync) at the same time, one of them will be failed.
It may be wrong that you setup two one-way sync tasks from two different clients to the same target folder in the server.
May be you should use two-way synchronization. Two-way synchronization in each client (BestSync) can resolve your problem.
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