Portable BestSync 2013 is corrupted by Registry/History etc.

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Portable BestSync 2013 is corrupted by Registry/History etc.

Post by alan9876 »

I have just unzipped all but the language dlls to H:\Utils\BestSync8 of BestSync 2013 (Portable) English Version Ver8.0.5.9(64Bit).
under Windows 7 Ultimate + SP1

I have added one task and the information is held in
The attached screenshot shows this as
2 H:\Utils\...\TaskList.xfsf

The screenshot also shows corruption by previous history of earlier versions of BestSync in two different folders in partition R:\
If I use "Edit" I can Delete the task that compares I:\OCZ with M:\Image\OCZ,
but what I wish to do is remove ALL reference to the pair of files shown as

I have already changed the filenames on drive R:\ to
but BestSync still shows these files by the original names and still BestSync shows them as R:\E_GPT_E\...\TaskList.xfsf
and it still sees the three comparison tasks that were established in the past.
Perhaps before renaming them I should have disabled the Windows Service
"Distributed Link Tracking Client"

I am prepared to unzipp and try again.
Please tell me how to ensure that past history and settings in other partitions will NOT intrude again

sshot-19.png (84.96 KiB) Viewed 7359 times
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Re: Portable BestSync 2013 is corrupted by Registry/History

Post by RiseFly »

Version has fixed this problem, Please try the new version.
If you want to remove the file from the list, just deleted the project file.
Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:40 am

Re: Portable BestSync 2013 is corrupted by Registry/History

Post by alan9876 »

Many thanks.

Problem fully resolved.

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