File Synchronized Before it's 100% Saved

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File Synchronized Before it's 100% Saved

Post by Rhino »


I've got a small issue with BestSync 2012 v7.0.21 where it is backing up my .max file, before its 100% saved, resulting in multiple useless backups that are corrupted, as well as eventually backing up the fully saved one after.

Is there any way I can delay the instant synchronization just a tiny bit so it only backs up say 30secs after it detects the file being modified, allowing, the file to be fully saved before it backs it up?

If not, is it possible for you to integrate this feature into your next version?

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Re: File Synchronized Before it's 100% Saved

Post by RiseFly »

May be you can try the following option:
"Filter" setting page, "Filter by time stamp",
"Ignore the file if it is changed in less than this specified minutes", [30 minutes].
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Re: File Synchronized Before it's 100% Saved

Post by Rhino »

Same result :(

I also don't want to stop it from backing up soon after its already backed up as then it would only backup the 1/2 saved file which is useless, and then wouldn't backup the fully saved file after. I need it to ignore the 1/2 saved file, then backup the fully saved one.
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Re: File Synchronized Before it's 100% Saved

Post by RiseFly »

If you open the saving file without sharing flag, and not select the "Volume Shadow Copy" option, BestSync will fail to copy the saving file, the it will not copy the saving file.
If the above way still can not avoid the problem, you can modify your saving function. let the function save the file to a temporary file name such as "Saving_File.tmp", when the file is saved, rename the temporary "Saving_File.tmp" to the target file, and exclude "*.tmp" file in the "Filter" setting tab of BestSync.
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Re: File Synchronized Before it's 100% Saved

Post by Rhino »

RiseFly wrote:
> If you open the saving file without sharing flag, and not select the
> "Volume Shadow Copy" option, BestSync will fail to copy the
> saving file, the it will not copy the saving file.

I'm sorry but I don't know what you mean by "open the saving file without sharing flag"?

"Volume Shadow Copy" isn't on BTW.

RiseFly wrote:
> If the above way still can not avoid the problem, you can modify your
> saving function. let the function save the file to a temporary file name
> such as "Saving_File.tmp", when the file is saved, rename the
> temporary "Saving_File.tmp" to the target file, and exclude
> "*.tmp" file in the "Filter" setting tab of BestSync.

I don't think there is anyway to make 3DsMax save like that? Nothing that I can see in its file saving options?
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Re: File Synchronized Before it's 100% Saved

Post by RiseFly »

If the program is developped by youself, you can "open the saving file without sharing flag", the sharing flag (FILE_SHARE_READ or
FILE_SHARE_WRITE ) is the parameter of Windows API CreateFile.
If you are using 3DsMax, you'd better let 3DsMax save files to another folder called "SavingFolder". and create another sync-task in BestSync to synchorinze the "SavingFolder" to the current "Folder1" manually after 3DsMax completes saving files.
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Re: File Synchronized Before it's 100% Saved

Post by Rhino »

The main reason why I'm looking at BestSync is because of its automatic, real-time sync option as soon as a file is modified. The manual approach is really not an option here.

Is there no way to add in a delay of around 15secs (possibly more) to the real-time sync after it detects a change in the file so that it waits a bit before it copies the file, resulting in the file to be fully saved before copying it?

If that was possible it would solve pretty much all my problems :D
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Re: File Synchronized Before it's 100% Saved

Post by RiseFly »

We have just release BestSync 2012 (Ver7.0.22), the new version has enabled the "Ignore the file if tis is changed in less than this sepcified seconds" [XXX] (<900 seconds) option in the "Filter" setting page, even when the real-time synchronization options is selected. Please try the new version.
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Re: File Synchronized Before it's 100% Saved

Post by Rhino »

Thanks but this doesn't solve my problem. Tried it and it seems to brake the real-time synchronisation totally for the way 3DsMax saves.

By the description of the feature it sounds like the opposite of what I need. What I need is a delay before back, not a delay after. With a delay before, the file can finish saving before syncing so it syncs the completed saved version. With a delay after, it only syncs the 1/2 saved and as such, corrupted version, then after its synced that, the file gets 100% saved but then with this file being changed within the time, wont sync the latest file as its in before the time limit.
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Re: File Synchronized Before it's 100% Saved

Post by RiseFly »

In Real-time sync mode , "Ignore the files if it is changed in less than this specified seconds" option gives the application (3dsMak) time to save the file, BestSync will sync the file after the waiting time.
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